Saturday, May 11, 2019


These words were copied (and changed a bit) from ?somebody?
and I wish I would have written down who penned
such beautiful words, but I did not.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
It's a very tender and loaded subject for many.

I know lots of women who already have a stomach ache
thinking about it - for lots of reason.

They're not alone.
I have a stomach ache, too.

My stomach aches because I miss my mother.
Plain and simple.
There's nobody in the world like her.
My first friend.
My best friend.

Being a daughter brings all sorts of complicated feelings.
Especially tomorrow!

Everybody alive made somebody a mom at some time.
And then it got complicated.

After the birth happened,
it could have gotten more and more beautiful
(fortunately, my mother made my life beautiful)
or it could have gotten more and more crazy.
Even tragic.
This human gig is such messy stuff sometimes.

What we do know is that every single person
made someone a mom.
We are all connected to a woman
that carried us in her womb and gave us life.
That in itself was a miracle!!!

I am so glad that I was born.
I am so glad my two children were born.
I'm so grateful to my mother
for the nine months that she carried me
so that I could have this beautiful life.

I also want to tell you that if this is a tough time for you,
you are not alone.
If you've lost your sweet mamma,
I feel your ache and lonliness - it's real!
Whether it's because thoughts of your mother bring pain
or thoughts of motherhood bring you pain.
And whether that pain comes from grieving something beautiful
or trying to recover from something traumatic.
Or regrets about the time that has passed by.
Motherhood and making someone a mother
are complicated issues that require all levels of human strength, learning, grace and boundaries.
That being said ...
Happy Mother's Day, beautiful human.

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