Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Runner had a full day - and a good one, too!!!

Remember this?
Well, today he was officially offered his very own route.
He'll be driving a special needs bus
and is super excited.
This week he's attending a 20-hour class.
(Night off tonight but back at it tomorrow night
and all day on Saturday.)
Next week he'll be taking the field trip training.
After that, he'll be driving a field trip bus
for Special Olympics.
AND ...
He was asked if he would be interested
in competing in the
Special Olympics Rodeo.
His answer:  Oh heck yeah!!!
And all this on the day after St. Patrick's Day.

(This picture was taken several years ago.
Couldn't resist!)


  1. What a selfless man! Kudos!!!

  2. Great news. Well done, I'm sure he'll enjoy every bit of it.


  3. Fantastic. Well done :) That photo is magic ...who wouldn't smile at that.
