We were invited to one last week.
Even after the two hostesses knew
we are not wine drinkers.
How nice was that?
We were to bring a bottle of wine.
Not just any bottle,
but a big, bold red wine.
Like I said, we're not wine connoisseurs.
So what did I do?
I sent The Runner out to buy a bottle.
What did he buy, you ask?
He bought Freakshow.
(Truth be told,
he went after the name and the label
rather than the "big, bold red.")
Either way, I guess he did pretty good
because at the end of the evening,
the bottle was bone dry.
I brought the bottle home with us.
I was going to try to remove the labels.
I say "try" because I've tried before
and was completely unsuccessful.
I asked a friend her process.
She successfully does this all the time.
Thought about it for a minute
and then remembered something.
Not too long ago, I purchased magazine holders.
The way I removed those price tag labels
was using my heat tool
(like a hair dryer for you non-craft people.)
It worked.
Both labels came off the bottle clean as a whistle.
Why did I want the labels?
Well, to use on thank you cards for the hostesses.
Why else?
Thank you, Toni and Dana!
We had a great time.
(And between the two of us,
we had five glasses of wine.)
Yep - us non-wine drinkers!
Except I'm a cheater.
I don't "do red" so I took
a bottle of white zinfandel.