Saturday, January 24, 2015

Grow Your Blog and a Giveaway

WELCOME!  It must be party time because I am wearing Ulta's Red Carpet Red nail polish.  I've rolled out the red carpet so come on in.  I'm so excited that you are here visiting my blog.  This is where I share my creations with you - and once in a while something personal, too.

This is the very first Grow Your Blog Party where my blog has played along but I've been a visitor to each and every single blog that wanted to grow during the first two parties.  As you all know, blogging isn't for sissies!  It takes a lot of work, a lot of photographing and a lot of wordsmith-ing.  I'm hoping (like all of you) to increase readership so that these efforts don't go wasted.

I invite you to leave a comment, subscribe and follow along.  I know I don't have to tell you how - you know all that.  You also know how important that is to a blogger!

You may recognize me (Sue Kosec) and/or my work from Vicki Boster's blog.  Time and time again, she has shared all of the items that I have created for her over the years.  She is one of the main reasons I now have a blog.  Thank you, dear friend.

A little about me.  I was born and lived in Pennsylvania until I was 11, grew up in Ohio and much later on, I've jumped around.  The Runner and I now live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  If you fly in or out of DFW, please wave ... I'm sure I'll see you because we are that close.  You will see that I refer to my husband here as "The Runner" because that's exactly what he is.  Not just a runner, but an ultra marathon runner.

I think I've picked up some of my father's creative genes as I've dabbled in all areas of crafting: crochet, macramé, dip-n-drape dolls, decoupage and now paper craft.  My fingers were never idle.

My love for paper started in 2002 when I created a memory album for my parents' 60th wedding anniversary.  When I think back to that debacle, I have to laugh.  I had no idea how to do any of the techniques and had no idea what the tools were for or how to use them.  But I learned - and I am still learning.  As they say - the rest is history.

I had no intention of ever blogging.  Didn't know how.  Didn't want to know how.  But people were constantly asking me if I had a website.  Nope - didn't have one of those either and figured the lesser of those two evils would be a blog.  My sister sat me down and together we created SuZeQ Creations.

And now I have two blogs.  If you enjoy going on a retreat - or are interested in reading what retreating is all about, I'd love to have you read about my love for it (and Whitworth Ranch Retreat) and visit me.  Be sure to look on Vicki's list of participants because it's listed there, too.

As my giveaway to you, I'd love to share a little of me with one lucky winner.  It seems that the majority of the time I spend in my playground, is spent creating cards - and that's what I'd like to share with one lucky person.  Just so you know, all of my cards are originals.  To date I have never made two of a kind (even when begged!) and over the years, I've probably created about 6-7,000!

You don't need to be a follower, but I'd sure appreciate it if you would click on that button.  To show my love for you visiting here and leaving a comment, I plan to draw a winner on Saturday, February 14, the day of love.  Please remember to leave your e-mail address so that I may contact you.  All you need to do is leave a comment right here on this page and one lucky person will receive these three cards!

I thank you, Vicki, for your dedication to this endeavor again this year - and thank you to all that have helped put this party together.  I know all of you know who she is and have followed her wonderful blog.  We've all vacationed with her and we've all ooh'd and aah'd over her knitted creations.  We have sent pink scarves for The Pink Scarf Project and have donated from the heart to Josephine's Children in Uganda.  Ohhhhhh, and those nests - we cannot forget them.  When I talk about Vicki to my friends, I always say "oh my friend Vicki in Kentucky - you know, the nest lady!" ... and everybody immediately knows who I am talking about.

Should you need to contact me, I'm never too far from my computer.  I'd love to hear from you.  In addition to meeting up here, you can also become my friend on Facebook.  Send me a friend request and let me know that we first met right here on Grow Your Blog.  Just look for Sue Daggett Kosec.

It wouldn't have been a party without you so thank you for stopping by and I certainly hope you'll come back often.  I'll leave the light on ...

Friday, January 16, 2015

Shopping ...

I've spent the last several days shopping.  If you know me, you know this is something that I do NOT enjoy doing - unless it is for craft supplies.  Like it or not, that's how I've spent my time.  Shopping for Josephine's Children in Uganda.

I wish I could tell you everything I've purchased but I don't want to spoil it for them as I'm pretty sure they have visited here.  My wish is that we had more money.  We've collected a lot because of your generosity, but there's so much more that these kids need.  Just look at this child's torn shirt!  Tee-shirts - something that I didn't have enough money for.  But I must shake those negative thoughts from my head.  They are going to be receiving so many other wonderful items!!!
In between shopping, sorting, crossing things off my list and finding room for everything until I buy the boxes and start loading them up, I did manage to create a couple of cards and here's one birthday card.

Now it's time to get started on all those Valentine cards ... the heart-shaped boxes are finished and have a comfy spot on the sofa until it's time to get delivered.  Soon.  Real soon.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Wrapping Up Those Nests ... and much more!

I know it doesn't look like much, but trust me.  It's a lot!!!!!  Two packs, 40 sheets of tissue paper and 642 stamped nests.  And then 1,926 eggs needed to be colored.  See, I told you it's a lot!!!!!  If you are on the list to receive one of Vicki's beautifully knitted nests, they will be wrapped up in these tissue papers.  Why?  Because presentation is everything!

I'm not sure if she has yet revealed her upcoming designer nests so I won't spill the beans but I have two more packs of tissue paper she needs in May and then another three packs she needs at the end of the year.  And you know as well as I do ... those dates will be here before we can say "nests!"

What else am I working on?  The Runner and I have been hitting just about every store in the Metroplex shopping for Josephine's Children.  I wish you could see our house!  OMGoodness ... there are boxes and shopping bags lining just about every wall.  My goal is to finish shopping as soon as possible and then ship everything to these smiling faces.  They are so anxious to receive everything!

So many of you have opened not only your wallets but your hearts to these children.  My only regret is that I won't be there when they open the boxes of clothing, shoes, school supplies, craft supplies, toys and LOVE.  The love is what I'll pack first.  There may not be room in the boxes for everything they need, but there will be lots of room for all the love you have so generously given.

I've been in contact with Josephine and in every e-mail she tells me just how excited the children are.  She said, "The children are starting to count the days as I had told them that the things will be arriving in the new year..everybody is full of joy and counting the months, days and minutes...true everybody is very excited.  It is now the talk by the children; everybody imagines how they will be looking in the new cloths and shoes and how best they will handle and keep safe whatever will be given to them."

In another e-mail she writes, "... everyone here is already very excited about the gifts..we are very honoured to receive all that has been donated.  Be very sure that I will capture all the moments when the children receive the gifts..every step and every joy of having new things! from abroad and I will be delighted to send the photos to you."

Once those photos are taken and shared with Vicki and me, you KNOW that we'll share them on our blogs.  My hope is that everything that you have donated will put a smile on everybody's face.

Josephine tells me that they "... are very anxious and praying that everything goes on well."  She tells me that "Immaculate is telling me 'I can't wait to see them' ... and that the mood is anxious!"

Her last e-mail to me: "I appreciate all your efforts; may the Almighty keep you and your family in abundance.  We pray for your safety and good health because of the good heart you have for others most especially us who are so far away from you.  My love always to you and your dear friends."

And I echo her words.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done to see that these precious children find joy when they see what you have done for them.  Thank you!

And speaking of love, coming up is the biggest Love Holiday - Valentine's Day and I am busy making paper mache heart-shaped boxes, tags and cards.  Amour, my friends.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

All Occasion Cards

Many times, the occasion to send a card isn't always a pleasant occasion.  But important to send just the same.  First up is a card that went out to The Runner's friend that is having some pretty severe health issues.
When you start doubting yourself,
remember how far you have come.
Remember everything you have faced,
all the battles you have won,
and all the fears you have overcome.

And for a friend - she gave this to her doctor that lost her sister just before Christmas.

Time to get away from the gloom and doom.  How's this for a cherry birthday card?

These are all from last year.  I took some time off - okay lots of time off - away from my playground.  Time to rest, time to regroup.  Today I made my first card for the year.  And, sadly enough, another sympathy card.  Now it's time for a birthday card.  Stay posted - there's more to come.  I'm on a roll now and back in the groove!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Resolutions. Goals.

I have none.  Resolutions and/or goals, that is.  I believe that's just a perfect way to set myself up for failure and those "not so good feelings" ... instead, I've had a little chat with myself about some things I want to focus on.  Some things to make me feel better about myself.  Some things to make me a better person.  Some things to make others happy.  I'm going to call these my 15 for twenty fifteen.

  1.  laugh: make someone, at myself, more, out loud
  2.  friends: make more, be a better one, reconnect with a lost one, nurture them all
  3.  blogging: post more often, increase readership, visit more, comment/follow more
  4.  don't stay home so much - get out there and blow the stink off
  5.  my art: step it up!
  6.  send more thank you cards (a lost art, you know!)
  7.  participate in more RAK (random acts of kindness)
  8.  my heart: give from it, open it, love more
  9.  stay up later than 9pm a little more often
10.  be "in the moment" when it matters most
11.  want/need: learn how to differentiate
12.  time management: watch out for those time-eaters
13.  challenge myself more
14.  volunteer more
15.  be gentle with myself ... I'm doing the best I can

The time is NOW ...

Friday, January 2, 2015


I think every little girl is mesmerized by the Disney movie Frozen.  I found out Emely's favorite character is Queen Elsa.  I hope she's happy with her birthday card.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

!! Happy New Year !!

Another year is here.  Aren't we fortunate?  The Runner and I wish nothing but the best for you.  I believe that 2015 has goodness in store for us ... and for you, too!

The pages of yesterday cannot be revised, but the pages of your tomorrows are blank and you hold the pen.  What's your story going to tell us?

Happy New Year, blog friends.  Please visit me right here throughout the year as I'll be sharing as often as possible.